Correctly spelled words used in the wrong context mean embarrassing mistakes for you. Ginger spots erroneous use of lose/loose, affect/effect, there/their/they’re, lie/lay, and many other commonly confused words.
Our Vocabulary enhancement will help you build your written lexicon and enable you to comprehend more of what you read and write. Increasing your vocabulary will enhance your reading comprehension, and allow you to choose the level of words you want to improve.
This tool comes in handy when you want to rephrase a sentence. It also helps to correctly use English idioms and completes sentence fragments. Remove the need for a dictionary or thesaurus to enhance your text while enjoying a whole new way to communicate in English! all-in-one service that also includes new features such as a synonym checker and “basically
anything you need to write great English...
...go beyond in-line spell checking to provide users with tools for instantly rephrasing certain
words and options for contextual synonyms, translations or definitions...
Texting, emojis, and lolspeak are destroying the English language. But with its latest app, Ginger
hopes to strike a blow for quality writing.
On mobile devices, Ginger Page is both a translator and a grammar checker that will take what you
write and help you spruce it up.